In The Press

Jen Araya Peters - Coming Home: The Path to Healing Your Inner Child

Jen Araya Peters


Jen Araya Peters is a visionary healer, author and the founder of a global 126,000 strong healing community. Jen is best known for her revolutionary work in the field of inner child healing, in particular dissolving emotional trauma, childhood trauma and hidden blocks deep within the subconscious mind, immediately untethering you from the past.

At the heart of her legacy is the Jen Peters Multidimensional Healing System™, refined over 11,000 hours of guiding her private clientele into their subconscious mind and liberating them from inner child trauma, hidden blocks and limitations.

Jen’s soul mission is to serve humanity by dissolving emotional and inner child trauma at the foundation so those who are ready, may finally heal and restore their Divine template and Come Home to the magnificent truth of who they are.

Coming Home

The Path to Healing Your Inner Child

“Coming Home: The Path to Healing Your Inner Child” ushers in a paradigm shift in the realm of inner child healing.

Visionary healer and founder of a 126,000 strong healing community, Jen Araya Peters skilfully takes the reader on a soul stirring journey delving into her own childhood abandonment, low self worth, severe physical abuse and narcissistic relationships.

Jen candidly shares how she healed from a childhood filled with emotional and physical trauma to later become a global authority in inner child healing.

In this life enriching self-healer’s guide, you’ll be masterfully guided through healing the 12 primary inner child trauma themes using the Jen Peters Multidimensional Healing System™. You’ll awaken the healer within you and be empowered to become your own healer, unlocking genuine, tangible transformation within yourself, your life, your relationships, and career.

Join the thousands around the world who have already healed their inner child using Jen’s unique methods.

As seen in

Jen Peters On Transformational Healing And Impacting A 100K Lives By Soul Guidance


Jen Peters of Ascension The Whole Journey Announces The “Heal Your Inner Child” Program

Jen's Global Community

Jen Araya Peters is also the visionary author of #1 New Release, Coming Home: The Path to Healing Your Inner Child and the founder of a 126,000 strong healing community on Instagram @jenpeters_soulguide_healer where she illuminates the path for many with her wisdom, unique teachings and guidance.

Percent Women
Hours Guiding Inner Child Healings

Jen's Story

Jen’s own story is one of significant inner child trauma, particularly around childhood abandonment, unworthiness, emotional abuse, multiple rapes in her teens and later battling with drug use, codependency, infidelity and narcissistic relationships. In Jen’s own words, she was “once a walking trigger.” It wasn’t until the crumbling of her marriage and everything she had ever known was stripped away, that her spiritual awakening and healing journey began.

Jen devoted herself to raising her young son and to her own extensive healing journey as well as immersing herself in studying the intricacies of Energy Healing under the tutelage of a Master Energy Healer and a Holistic Counseling School in the United States. It was during this time Jen‘s soul mission was revealed to her.

Jen helps to untether those who are ready, from the trauma and constraints of their past, liberating them to embody a higher version of themselves and to live a life of love, freedom and purpose.

Narcissistic abuse recovery was how Jen first began serving her clientele as this was a path she too had walked.

Yet it swiftly became evident that the roots of nearly all blocks, challenges or unhealthy patterns including attraction to toxic or narcissistic relationships, stem from the patterning formed in response to experiences and unprocessed trauma from childhood or even earlier. This realization paved the way for Jen to dive deeply into the realm of inner child healing, mastering the intricacies required to fully heal emotional and inner child trauma and dissolve related patterning at the foundation.

Jen observed that most of her clientele came to her desperately seeking change after exhausting every other avenue. And although they’d already seen multiple therapists, psychologists or healers prior, and had tried many different modalities across a number of years, they were not experiencing meaningful change. Many were still in emotional pain and torment, unable to move forward or enjoy their lives.

In response, Jen began to develop her own, unique healing methods using tools from the higher realms and her own techniques she’s refined throughout thousands of hours guiding her private clientele into their subconscious mind to the origins of their trauma and dissolving it. These same clients typically began experiencing meaningful and lasting relief and change within weeks or less.

Today, the Jen Peters Multidimensional Healing System™ has been meticulously honed through more than 11,000 hours and 5500 sessions with her private clientele and continues to evolve as new tools and techniques are woven within sourced from the higher realms. Jen’s fusion of her unique multidimensional healing approach with her stunning personal journey unlocks the gateway to the profound healing and transformation her clients seek.

Peters’ inspiring personal journey through trauma and subsequent extensive healing has afforded her an invaluable understanding of every nuance, from enduring trauma through to transcending its limitations. Her lived experience enable Peters to meet her clientele at the depth of their pain, before guiding them home to themselves. She says;

“Whilst my experiences were deeply traumatic, they were in fact a training ground for me to learn every single nuance so that I’m able to serve my community at the depth and breadth needed for them to transcend their trauma and limitations.”

Jen Araya Peters is also the visionary author of #1 New Release, Coming Home: The Path to Healing Your Inner Child and the founder of a 126,000 strong healing community on Instagram @jenpeters_soulguide_healer where she illuminates the path for many with her wisdom, unique teachings and guidance. Jen Araya Peters has a personal mission to make effective healing available to all, regardless of their financial position and this is why she founded her healing community and wrote Coming Home: The Path to Healing Your Inner Child.

Jen Araya Peters is here to usher in a paradigm shift in the way we approach inner child healing, and that is exactly what she’s doing.

Jen Araya Peters - Coming Home: The Path to Healing Your Inner Child

What are others saying?

"Working with Jen has been nothing short of life changing"
“Before starting my healing journey I was insecure, filled with self-doubt and completely stuck in ‘my story’. Working with Jen has helped me transcend my past traumas and really take charge of my life. I have a new understanding of my world around me and I now know that I have the power to overcome anything that comes my way instead of writhing in self-doubt like I did for so many years.” - Natasha Rhymes, Office Manager, New Zealand.
“During the few months I’ve worked with Jen I’ve experienced tremendous transformations."
“I’ve felt huge shifts in my confidence in communicating with co-workers and in other challenging situations. I’m no longer fearful of my narcissistic ex-husband and I’ve begun to attract more abundance and healthy, loving people into my life. Yesterday I bought my first home and it’s everything I hoped it would be. Jen has helped me replace old, negative, limiting beliefs with feelings of abundance, trust and confidence. Jen is an Angel, and I’m her biggest fan.” Sasha Dean - Science teacher, Utah, United States.
"I'm already noticing shifts after only two sessions."
"I'm so incredibly grateful to have found Jen and to work with her on my healing journey! Jen's intuitive insights, kindness and compassion have allowed me to feel safe, seen and heard. I'm already noticing shifts after only two sessions. I hope that everyone in need of healing gets a chance to work with Jen, she's an amazing healer and a beautiful soul." Cindy S - IT Manager
"I'm so grateful I found Jen, she's absolutely transformed my life"
Over the years I did a lot of conventional and spiritual therapies to overcome deep trauma following severe narcissistic abuse in childhood. I was flabbergasted at how easy it was to release these traumas with Jen. Jen is an outstanding professional master healer and guide who has a loving and caring personality - sessions with Jen are like being in a bath filled with love and light. Sue - Netherlands
"Jen's loving, focused healing is by far the most profound experience of all my healing journeys."
It's like going back in time and changing what happened. My entire being is different - fulfilled, whole, content, joyful, strong, healed, solid, powerful and present. And all within just a few sessions. My gratitude is beyond what I can express. Tania - US
"Working with Jen Peters has accelerated my personal growth and enabled me to clear debilitating, life long patterns and limiting beliefs at a rapid pace."
My understanding of myself has deepened. I feel more calm, peace and trust and my outer reality is starting to fall into place as my inner world aligns. Thank you Jen Peters for the important work that you do. Pam - Gold Coast
"In just a few sessions Jen has done more for me than many therapists were able to over many years."
I've had years of therapy towards resolving many issues, trauma and angst, but in just a few sessions I've experienced a huge impact and difference in my life. My anxiety has halved, my inner peace and calm taking its place and my ability to overcome beliefs and patterns formed as a result of my abusive childhood. I cannot recommend Jen enough - she knows exactly where the issues lie and gets to the source resulting in evident changes from the very first session. Lilly - Perth
"Three sessions were thrice as effective as spending thousands of dollars on conventional therapy and medications for more than a year."
It's almost like she helped me give birth to myself and experience the joy of seeing a new life. No words can express how blessed and grateful I am to her for helping me get out of an agonizing mental and suicidal pain of being a living dead person. Nick - Canada
"One healing with Jen has healed me more than any therapy session I've been to."
Not only did you guide me through some very deep emotional blockages, you also reunited me with my real family. Finding out I was a Pleiadian Starseed has given me a new sense of belonging and understanding that is just mind blowing. I feel such lightness and love towards myself and others that is inexplicable. Thank you, truly. My inner child and I thank you. Jessica - US
"Working with Jen has been one of the most remarkable things I've ever done in my life!"
I was following Jen's Instagram account for a while and knew deep inside that one day we would connect. And when we finally did, the effects were spectacular. The Inner Child work we've done together has transformed my life. I cannot praise Jen enough for her compassionate and highly intuitive approach. I trusted her to take me to the darkest parts of my Soul and when we went there - I saw the Light. I am forever grateful for her guidance and am honoured to have met her on my journey. Ania, United Kingdom.
"Working with Jen has been transformational."
I am a long term recovering alcoholic and have come to understand my mother was a narcissist and my father a codependent. All my long term relationships have been with narcissists. Jens approach is holistic, intuitive and thorough. I no longer suffer from continual anxiety and am now calm. Absolutely extraordinary and wonderful! I am extremely grateful. - Paul, UK
"Cannot recommend Jen enough for anyone struggling with Inner Child traumas"
"Out of all the years of therapies I've gone through to treat PTSD from "Western medicine", injections in my neck to numb my amygdala in my brain, all the work I've done to try to rid myself of the torment from my childhood, Jen has helped me in 6 weeks more than all those years. The process she has is so powerful to dissolve those past traumas. I feel lighter in so many ways and truly feel like I was meant to find her and finally be free of my past. Cannot recommend it enough for anyone struggling with Inner Child traumas." - Stephanie, US
"I worked with Jen for 6 weeks and the transformation that occurred was profound and life changing."
"I worked with Jen for 6 weeks and the transformation that occurred was profound and life-changing. I went from crippling anxiety and uncertainty especially in my relationship, to feeling secure and confident within myself - regardless of what happens. The loneliness and feeling of not belonging has gone too. I am so grateful to Jen for the profound work she does." - Amy, Boston

Media Inquiries

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Laura Fenton
Head of Marketing